Sam got chicken pox which I recorded for posterity on a LO that I did at Celia's CM crop on Tuesday night.
And then on Easter Sunday at my parents house we were hunting for eggs in the orchard, and the boys had already found all theirs. In fact I was the only one who was still hunting and mum & dad were giving me directions in the form of "warmer" "colder" etc. So there I was, concentrating on looking for a small cream egg in an acre of fruit trees, dimly aware that Ben was playing fetch the stick with Kai, my sisters dog.
Next thing I know I'm on my knees having been smacked in the side of the head by a stick. Never had a head injury before and made me feel very odd I can tell you, although I didn't get knocked out. Felt very sleepy for the rest of the day, but knowing that you shouldn't sleep, I tried desperately to stay awake - not easy when we had been in church at 6.30am for the dawn communion service!
When I did get to bed I didn't sleep well, but apart from a headache (which was to be expected) I thought I was OK. That was until we tried to come home on Monday morning. Travelling in the car made me feel so sick and wobbly that I rang the out of hours clinic who basically told me I should be in A & E.
So we dropped the kids at the in-laws (where we were supposed to be having lunch)and spent the next couple of hours sitting around in A & E (Anthony starving as by this time its 1.00pm). Seemed I hadn't fractured anything, but needed to rest - like I had a choice!
Its amazing how much damage one stick can do as it took until yesterday for me to stop feeling like I was living in treacle and I still have a headache! My head injury leaflet tells me that "post concussion syndrome" can last for anything up to several months. It had better not that's all I can say!
Anyway this week has been a little better, and like I say I did manage to get to Celia's crop. Was working on something secret which I can't post (some of you have seen them & know what I am talking about) but here is another LO that I got finished. No matter how hard we try, we can't persuade the boys that this game is called "draughts", they insist on calling it "giraffes" and now it has stuck!
Just so glad I am feeling better, as have a busy weekend coming up and then something very special next week. Will post again when I can tell you about it!
Have a good weekend everyone.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness - you poor thing! I can't believe the weekends you have!!!
When you're feeling up to it how about a coffee sometime? Seems like ages since we caught up.
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