I don't have any energy and the house is beginning to look like a total tip! So much for my plan to be more organised and effective with the housework this year. That lasted all of about 2 weeks until I started feeling poorly and now I can't remember the last time I did any housework. Aaaarrrrggggghhhh!
Anyway, enough of the moaning.Though you might like to hear about our half term and see the latest picture I took of Samuel.
The topic at nursery for last half term was Bears and so just before the half term holiday they had a teddy bears picnic and had to go dressed up as a famous bear. I'm not any good at creating home made costumes, but even I was quite pleased with this one! Took me ages to find the tights though - but in the end after a Google search I came across SkinnySams who do free delivery and have the most amazing range!
Half term was very quiet here as the boys went on holiday to Granan and Granda for a few days. Since it co-incided with me feeling rough, it was great, as it meant I got to have a lie-in!
Thursday they came home with Aunties Mel & Judi and we all went to a local pub for a geocaching event. Managed to grab a few local caches and nudged that total a little closer to 100!
Then Friday was our weekend away with church. We had our very first ever group trip to Lindors, which turned out to be the most amazing hotel.
As well as teaching sessions, we swam, played table tennis, spent ages wandering around the beautiful grounds, ate far too much lovely food and spent some very sociable evenings over a couple of bottles of wine.
The kids had a great time, and keep saying "thankyou for taking us to that lovely hotel Mummy!" which pretty much tells you how successful a weekend it was. So much so that we have decided we can't wait for the next church weekend (which probably wont be for another 18 months) and we are planning to book the same weekend next year.
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