When I was a little girl, I had one for Christmas every year, and I would spend hours of the Christmas holidays putting them together. I even made Mum & Dad give me an old cardboard wall planner to use as a jigsaw board so that when they got fed up of having the jigsaw on the table, I could move it to my bedroom.
For many years now I haven't had a jigsaw for Christmas, which was probably a good thing as they are addictive and not really a good idea with having small children. But mine are old enough to know not to touch now, and this year mum & dad bought me a jigsaw for Christmas just like they used to.
Only one problem, this was a Mystery puzzle which meant that it came in a plain white box - that's right, NO PICTURE!! Thanks Mum - not!!
I started it at their house on Boxing Day and when we left a couple of days later, all I had managed was the outside edges and a wall of a red house. I packed it up and brought it home and thought I would probably never finish it. I've only ever been beaten by one jigsaw in my life, Baked Beans - no plate, no nothing, just beans. I never even got the edge pieces to go together!
So here you go Mum, this is what my present actually looked like!!
1 comment:
Another thing we have in common. I love jigsaws and when I was little got a famous five puzzle each birthday. I did them loads of times and as I got older would mix them all together and build about 4 at a time from the huge pile. Alwin loves to make puzzles and each year we treat ourselves to a Christmas/winter theme. You have got to get yourself a portapuzzle board. Zips up like an art folio and is not slip so you can carry your puzzle about and do it on your lap on the couch too.
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