4 March 2010

World Book Day

Don't you just love it when teachers decide that asking the kids to come to school dressed up is a good idea? Benjamin came home with a letter from school saying that they were going to be dressing up for World Book Day and that they had to come as a book character.

Fortunately they gave us plenty of notice (for a change) so for once I had time to get something sorted. Benjamin had already decided that he wanted to be Pinocchio, which threw me into panic mode immediately. However a quick google search later and a picture of Disney's Pinocchio in hand and I was a little less stressed. We had most of the things that we needed already - good choice Ben!

The only things we needed were a bow tie, panama hat & feather. Thankfully a friend's husband Roy came to Kate's fancy dress party a couple of weeks ago wearing exactly the hat we needed (yes it fits Ben just as well as it did Roy!) and once I'd done a quick trip to Hobbycraft for embellishments, it was sorted. Oh and I did buy him a nose - after all Pinocchio wouldn't be the same without his long nose now would he?

So here is Ben ready to go to school this morning. What do you think?

1 comment:

Sandie said...

He look FAB! Well done you on getting a brilliant outfit together! Hannahs school didn't want them to dress up this year (phew), they just had to bring a book and a prop from the story as a clue. I got off lightly this year LOL!