19 September 2007

Countdown - aaaarrrggghhhh!

Well that's it. I finally handed in my aromatherapy case studies at 12.30 today, having spent the morning typing up the last one, and then driving them to Cirencester. Its only taken me 9 months to get them finished!

Now its countdown to the exams - 1 week today and it will all be over. I can't wait!

I am soooooo sick of studying and not having time to do anything else properly. Just have to hope that I pass now. At least I will know if I have passed the practical, as we can't sit the theory paper if we don't pass, and its the same day!

So wish me luck & think of me next wednesday, I will be panicking like mad!

1 comment:

gvl said...

Good luck on Wednesday - I'm sure you'll do just fine!!