24 June 2007

What a weekend!

This has been a weekend of real contrasts.

Friday evening was brilliant, as I was taking part in the Faithscrappers cybercrop. I had pre-arranged that after making dinner (chicken & chips) I was unavailable for the rest of the evening, and when I finally crawled into bed at 2.06am, I had completed 1 class LO, 2 challenges (a LO and a card) and taken part in the bible quiz, the mystery kit challenge and had a great time, munching on crisps and chocs sent by my swap partner and drinking cocktails.

Here are the layouts I created:

I then spent the rest of the night getting up and down to the kids, while Anthony slept on oblivious! When they got up Saturday morning they were HIDEOUS!!

We decided to go out for a bike ride and got back just before the heavens opened (yet again). Anthony went off to Falmouth for his bowling tournament and after making the kids risotto for lunch (which amazingly they liked!) I dropped them off at the in-laws to spend the night, so that I could go back to the cybercrop.

By the time I got back and logged into the forum to see what was happening I was beginning to feel a bit rough. The classes that had been posted were all a little bit challenging (painting cardstock, inking dominoes and a fat book) and by 3.00pm I was feeling decidedly poorly. How typical is that - the house to myself, a cybercrop happening and I am feeling too ill to do anything!

Luckily there was a non-scrapping challenge that I thought I could manage, so I made myself an aromatherapy steam inhalation, had a hot honey & lemon and sat on the sofa feeling sorry for myself with my bible & concordance to hand. The challenge was to do a word study on sheep and shepherd and then write a psalm or prayer. You can see the prayer I wrote on the Faithscrappers forum here.

After that I just vegged on the sofa re-reading Harry Potter & The Order of The Phoenix (as the film comes out in a couple of weeks time). Just about summoned enough energy to chuck a pizza in the oven for dinner and after Dr Who I went to bed.

Today has been a bad day. I had very little sleep and woke up at 6.30 (again typical - no hubby or kids to worry about and instead of having a sleep-in I am wide awake even earlier than normal!) I treated myself to breakfast in bed, in the vain attempt to stave off my nerves. Today was exam day (dancing exams that is not aromatherapy ones) and I always get ridiculously nervous.

Having arrived at the studio, I took some Rescue Remedy, but I don't think it did much good. The Foxtrot went ok, although I could feel my nerves making me tremble a little, and then it was Tango time. It started ok, but right in front of the examiner I slipped after stepping sideways too far. We managed to carry on, but by the time we got to the other end of the room I was shaking so much we had to stop.

We took a break before the Latin dances so that I could compose myself, and then went back in to tackle the Samba and Jive. The Samba went ok, which I was surprised about as I don't really like it (certain parts of me are too big to do much justice to the bounce action required!!!) and then came the Jive. Now I love this dance and I thought it would be fine, but I missed a step and we had to stop and start again. What a disaster!!

I'm gutted because I feel like I have let myself down. I know I can do all those dances and the nerves just get the better of me every time. Now I have the agonising wait for the results. Why can't they just tell us there and then??

Had lunch with the in-laws and then took Ben to a birthday party. How do you explain why he is going to the party of someone he knows has the same birthday as him, but his party is a week earlier? :o)

And to round the weekend off nicely, as well as me still feeling grotty, the kids are now both complaining of sore thoats which means they are probably going to come down with this bug too.
Not what I need this week, as I have a manic week.

Oh well, not long 'til our holiday!

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