26 May 2007

A bad week

Well, can't say this has been a particularly good week for me. :o(

I spent Sunday in bed with a chest / throat infection feeling really rough, when I should have been in Cambridgeshire singing with Kentwood.

Then on Tuesday hubby & I were supposed to be going to see G4 in Bournemouth. Unfortunately MIL had to go into hospital and couldn't have the boys, and I was still feeling pretty groggy so I wasn't going to go. However, thanks must go to my friend Julie for giving me a bed for the night & coming with me to the show. Without her I wouldn't have gone as I wouldn't have been safe driving so far home that late at night as tired as I was. In the end we didn't get to bed until after 1.00 o'clock anyway, as we were catching up on the last 6 years! The show was quite emotional (G4 are splitting up on 31st August) and it showed, as they weren't as polished as we have come to expect. Still gorgeous though! :o)

Wednesday would have been my dancing lesson, but it got cancelled as my teacher had hurt his back & as I had a headache anyway we decided to call it off. Trouble is my exam is only 1 month away & to be honest I need as much practice as I can get!

And on top of all that, I have spent pretty much every spare minute this week typing up the case studies for my aromatherapy exams. I have been getting really stressed about it, as I have basically run out of time to complete them before the exam. Anyway, I went to the revision day at college today, and have been told that I can defer to the September exam rather than the June one. You would think that would make me feel better as now I have 4 months to prepare rather than 4 weeks, but acutally I just feel like a bit of a failure. Plus it means I have to work all through the summer holidays! Aaarggghh.

And I want to go and see Pirates III, but that's just not going to happen.

Apologies for being so depressing. Going to drown my sorrows in a couple of bottles of beer & a curry tonight and try to enjoy the rest of the bank holiday weekend. Have fun whatever you are doing this weekend.

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